
The Gap, the space in between

11:29:00 AM

Trusting the Unknown is like dealing with Death,
everyday a part of us dies, a part of our soul leaves,
sometimes is the result of natural growth, 
others due to a traumatic experience or 
nearly to death experience.

Most of the times we do not even know we die, 
we do not wanna accept that a part of us is death,
instead, we carry it as a burden, heavy and dense,
blocking the real frequency of our energy field, 
disturbing the sound of our own current sound.

Letting go is not a new hippy affirmation,
Letting go is a path of growth and awareness.

The more we accept Death 
the easiest it becomes to go back to
the whole, to the goal of compassion and destiny. 

We know the drama, 
we know what trauma and how it makes us feel,
those images that keep coming to our mind as excuses
of why we can not move forward,
why we are not successful and,
why we procrastinate our selves.

Returning from a week-long in the Sequoias National Park,
surrounded by trees, lakes, 
dragonflies and a heart minded community 
of dancers and movers, 
nourished with organic local food and,
the fly of the swallows over the dance floor;
the air around me feels thinner, 
my eyes have the soft touch of butterflies and,
the spark of the eyes 
in which I reflected myself in every dance.

How fast we move in our daily lives 
leaves a trace of productivity behind us
but at the same time empties somehow
is the vessel of the sacred now, 
the present moment;
how easily can we stay fully present 
at a high speed is a ninja skill,
that most yogis get to obtain and,
I will write about it in future posts; 
the most beautiful gift 
I am adding to my Journey’s Basket
after this week, is the magic, sensual, healing and,
blissful sensation of dropping in and,
fall in love with the Unknown, 
falling in love with the steadiness,
recognition in the essence of it is enough, 
it is ok, it is what it is;
acceptance without projections, 
nature doesn’t play with rejections
but with transformation and integration.
How many faces do we present every day to the world, 
when the resonance of your soul is only one, 
pure and radiant, humble and innocent, 
playful and beloved. 

Finding joy in the gap, the gap between moments.


When systems break down and,
there is a gap between what was and what will be, 
what wisdom can we glean from the cracks,
as the old foundation crumbles? 
When systems break down,
when the well stops working and the power goes out, 
when what we thought would be is no longer,
what good news can we seek from within the rubble?
What cracks creep into full heart-break and
bear us into the rightful loss and grieving,
the confusion and the pain of separation. 
Let these be our shuttles through and inside of the gap.
Let these depths be the dark wisdom of coming home.
The gap between what was and what will be. 
What do we do with THIS moment, this liminal space? 
What is it to let go of the comfort of the status quo.
What is it to let go of the comforts 
we thought we needed for survival. 
Inside ourselves and among us. 
What is it to consider the possibility 
that stripping away
leaves us face to face with our resilience. 
With all that we really ever needed.
What is it too slowly and willfully step 
into the weeds together, hand to hand?
How do we face the impossibility of knowing 
the next moment, 
the mystery of this in-between place?
What courage do we muster 
from the depths of our vulnerability?
What vulnerability do we muster 
from the depths of our fear?
There is medicine in the weeds. 
There is medicine in the gap.
There is rage and sorrow and
fear and confusion in the gap. 
Let these be our shuttles.
Can we find our courage to go there, 
be there, feel it all, together?
Can we hold it all and let it break us.
Can we yell and cry and take another inhale 
of something different? 
Let the water come to a standstill and let the power fail,
let the systems crumble around us and in us. 
And from this stillness, let’s make way, let's make way, 
for something different.
This transition time, this gap is not the easy part.
I’m not here to make it so. 
But maybe,
if we do this together with willingness and mindfulness, 
we’ll find our way through, 
through the weeds and the confusion and,
the discomfort,
into something more beautiful than we could
have ever imagined,
had we not borne ourselves from the rubble, 
had we not surrendered to the wisdom of the gap.
~Odessa Avianna Perez 

The first time I saw someone death
I was living in Amsterdam,
as I was getting out of the door of the Artist's Community
building that I was living,
Sheryn was on the floor, death,
with a stream of blood coming out of her mouth,
she jumped from a 4th floor,
I saw her 2 minutes before and she was smiling,
she was alive, she was moving.

Where did she go? where does Life go? 
What is Death? 
I was very young by them,
and I grew up under Catholicism,
where suicide is a shame and,
everything around it is blamed,
I think that moment was,
when I started studying Buddhism,
surrounded by questions and
doubts about the dualism of good and evil.

When the police arrived to remove the body, 
we were not ready to let her go,
we need some time to guide her to the Bardo, 
to let her understand why she took 
that decision with her life.
We circle her, holding our hands and,
sang to her our family song,
rituals have always been a milestone 
in every tribe or community,
what builds bonds and respect, 
what builds a language and identity.

For the first time in my life,
I could feel Death as an entity 
that can be moved from one part to another,
I got inside the house and everything was different,
the lights were dimmer, 
the stairs were higher and heavier, 
the images in the pictures were barely radiating
half an inch. 

I kept asking myself :
How was that moment in between?, 
how can we find Bliss, Life, 
and Acceptance in the gap.

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