

12:25:00 AM

We all have bad days, terrible years and super shitty experiences;
the good news is!!  you do not have to and more importantly,
you should not be alone,
creating and/or having a support system is the key to
survive and thrive in this new social media society
especially if you live in a big city
and do not have much access to nature, in both cases,
because the countryside could also be very isolated,
and we humans are meant to be in packs, as our dear friends the wolfs;
having the tools to feel nourished and supported
when things are going downhill will change your life
into a more soothing experience.

I am gonna go through what works for me,
what helps me over and over to stay grounded and creative,
to tap into joy and kindness instead of self-sabotage.

First step:

Try to point out the cause of the problem:
what or who is making me feel, drained, sad, depressed, angry, anxiety.

Second step: 

Can I change the situation or talk to that person?

Here is where  things start  to get complicated and having
or creating a  support system will help us to go through,
move on or see the problem from a different perspective.
Sometimes we can not change circumstances and even less a person,
we will be hitting the wall and the only thing that will change
will be the size of our head.

Third Step :

Reach out to talk to someone,
yes, it could be openly asking for help or support,
or if  you are in the blame/guilty mode and prefer not to be vulnerable
just reach out one of your friends, even the one you only talk
once a year to but you know it is always there for you;
or a family member, to me works that I really do not talk with my
mom or relatives about my problems but,
just the fact to have a conversation with them brings so much clarity
to my reactions or how I am perceiving a  situation,
remember that even if we do not want to,
and we work hard on de-learning parental habits(will be a post just for this)
we carry so much on our shoulders from early years.

If none of these two are available for you,
and you are not under specialist supervision to talk to your therapist,
just go out !!!
Make contact with your neighbors, co-workers, vendors,
talking about the weather-related stuff
is a great ice breaker ;-))
socialize but not to the point you are so crazy-busy
that you forget, it is not about covering the problem
is about working through it without falling into
negative or destructive/ addictive behaviors:
overeating, drinking, use of a drug, negative self-talk, etc.

I am gonna share with you what works for me and,
I wished I had had or knew when I was a teenager,
when you are pointed as an outcast for your energy instead of
celebrated in the transition to adulthood as is done in other cultures.

4th Step: Self Care
Planning a super healthy diet ahead, envision it first;
how good it is gonna make you feel, cut off sugars, dairy, and gluten,
go shopping and pack your fridge, with all colors of vegetables,
juices, coconut water, good water, clean raw organic (if possible)
vegan protein powder, healthy snacks like nuts, figs, pure cacao,
dry fruits,  raw honey or nut butter,
I personally chose almond or cashew,
and they are super easy to make with the blender, 
just make sure you have plenty of organic coconut oil.

If you like to cook, have some hearty salads ready to go,
I love raw broccoli salad with cashews,
red bell peppers, apple, carrots, raisins, tahini, and lemon;
and soups,  it is super easy to buy fresh organic
or frozen organic cauliflower, beets, carrots, boil them and blend. 
Smoothies is my to go favorite option to keep me going, 
easy to digest, full of vitamins and colors.


Do not hesitate to buy multivitamins, the cleaner the better, 
enzymes, probiotics, greens !! I love wheatgrass and spirulina,
and my big secret is the friendly mushrooms: Reishi and Chaga! 
high frequencies and a boost of energy without the caffeine.


Touch and being touched releases oxytocin, endorphins,
release stress, tensions, and anxiety.
The more relaxed we are the better we can process from food to thoughts, 
having a central nervous system working smoothly,
it is amazingly efficient. 
The CNS is responsible for taking in information through the senses,
controlling motor function, as well as thinking,
understanding, reasoning. It also controls emotion.

Any type of yoga, from Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Ashtanga, 
Yin Yan to restorative, you chose it,
they all work and will give you the opportunity to check in with yourself
every time you step on the mat, my mat is my most precious therapist,
sometimes I come to him with a question, sometimes with sorrow,
sometimes with unruled energy and every single time I get what I need, 
most of the times unexpected.


Taking the time to write down our thoughts without filter and judgment
is one of the best therapies ever, you can also use the journal to set intentions
or collect your favorites affirmations, 
I write journals since I am 9 years old and for many years I can consider them
my best friends.


Finding the time to stop and drop in our skins
is one of the most challenging but rewarding experiences
we can put our self into social media, cars, Netflix, agendas, family… 
we spend so much time in our heads, giving power to everything but ourselves.
Nobody says mediation is easy, lol, especially at the beginning you just
wanna give up after 3 minutes but trust me
is the best investment you can do on yourself.


Movement and music are the keys to rewire your brain, 
vibration is what contains the sound of the universe
and any single of our cells.
Alpha/ Binaural Beats to sleep :

I have recently added this important tool to my support system,
for the past year, I have been training and practicing Dream Work,
and Lucid Dreaming. Falling asleep with Alpha Waves helps you incredibly
to deep relaxation and get your mind ready to receive all the benefits of the sleep.
Binaural Beats help you to create Lucid Dreams and be more aware of how you
make decisions once in the awake world.

Maintaining a support system requires you not only to receive but also support it for others.

These are not exclusive, you can add your own and mix and match them as you like,
use them all, just some or pick up the one that works best for you;

I have been working as a coach and tutor with teenagers for over 15 years,
I am proud to have been part of their difficult process to become adults
without leaving behind  their uniqueness and creativity,
for the past 8 years since I moved  to Los Angeles, as a Wellness Coach,
I have been also but not exclusively,
working with  artists to stay focused, grounded and develop a deep sense of compassion,
kindness and joy with themselves and with the outside world,
so important in careers where the physicality plays such an important role.

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