

11:23:00 PM


Two nights ago I had this dream:
I was living in a beautiful house complex, 
actually very similar to the one I live in,
with a big green front yard, with fruit trees, 
amazing neighbors,
good weather, blue skies… 
and I had the keys of a different unit beside mine,
in my dream, I assumed that the house was empty
and unfurnished so I could 
use it whenever I need it or wanted,
I had a profound feeling of owning it.

One morning, some friends came to visit
and I took them to show them the other 
the house I was not living in but had the key, 
when I opened the door my surprised was that 
someone was living there, and the house was fully furnished.

I instantly related this to my lover,
the person with who I have been sharing a relationship for
a year and a half now, without being negative or falling into drama
I had two readings for this:

1) was that as I always fear, because of his lack of commitment,
   was that he is not emotional available exclusively 
   with me but has his home already furnished,
   but he makes me think he is interested.

2) was that no one has to come to fulfill our house/home, 
    other than ourselves and that things are not
    what we assume they are.

Last night I continued tapping into the feeling of that dream 
because I wanted to know more, 
and the metaphor of a home as a soul was very clear to read.
The same dream came back,
this time I was in a bigger more luxurious home,
with roommates that showed being super successful
and comfortable in their lives.

I had this question in mind, 
that has been coming to me a lot lately: 
why and how  I have created this energy around me? 
why I and other people see me as someone who I might not be?
who the fuck am I?

Suddenly this super wise old woman answered me
in my dream, calm and beautifully spoken:

- the circumstances of your life have made you become the person 
 who you are and in consequence the energy that you project.

If you have had it easy to move among different worlds, 
if u have been lucky to survive after taking so many risks and battles, 
if you are kind and generous on your heart after you have been hurt over and over,
you are that person, you can not unlived what you have lived. 

You have to hold proud into that uniqueness and gift, no shames or blames.

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