

8:53:00 PM

So many theories are found around how the pyramids were built and why for,
how was possible that in times where there was not enough engineering
to execute those incredible masterpieces,
we still have the opportunity to visit and admire them.
Recently studies have shown a different approach to the pyramids,
not as burial monuments but as sound healing chambers,
the quartz-granite slabs found in some chambers were not meant as a sarcophagus,
but were meant for people to lie in as they absorbed the healing power
of the particular frequency that the chambers resonated.

Sound chambers like the ones found in the red pyramid,
are designed exactly like modern-day acoustic chambers
that sound therapists use today.

Ancient civilizations hold the belief that the Earth as an entity has its own frequency,
this frequency is 1.5Hz.

Diverse new technologies have incorporated fractal patterning for signal enhancement,
data compression, and encryption.
Recent acoustic resonance experiments have illuminated a connection
between the phi ratio and a nonlinear acoustic standing wave structure.

Multifrequency driving off the resonant cavity has been used
to increase energy storing.

If the energy is coupled to lower frequencies or subharmonics,
less acoustic dissipation is observed allowing for a more efficient system.

The high-amplitude transduction of the piezoelectric limestone of the pyramids
creates an electromagnetic field around the structures,
becoming the movement of electrons toroidal.

Space/time can be altered by putting mass inside a dynamic EM field
created by two pulsed, DC, toroidal coils that act as a "flux capacitor"
( Faraday's dream).

The currents flow in one direction in each coil but are separated by a timing/vector
factor so that they do not interfere with each other.
The timing of the pulses allows the current to create an apparently perfect inductor
with zero resistance (although it is not truly zero since it does radiate energy).
This occurs when the field is "pumped up" so,
that the energy density of the space inside the field is much greater than,
that of normal space here on the Earth's surface.

The higher the energy density the more time is dilated so that time in the field
occurs at a slower rate to that outside the field.
If the energy density is lowered then the converse is true.
An hour in the field of higher density might be a few days outside the field.
This is because time is measured as a ratio of lengths.

Time has no real dimension when comparing energy density states.

It becomes relativistic... a ratio.

We compare distances traveled (whether linear, curved or angular)
to establish "time" units.
A second can be related to distances traveled by a pendulum,
a vibrating crystal or even a decaying atomic structure -
but they are all relative distances when one compares them as time.

Time is a pure ratio of lengths in the relativistic mass-length-time ( MLT) system.
One can theoretically transcend the "light barrier" by using asymmetric propulsion concepts.

The base length of the Great Pyramid informs the fundamental resonant tone
created by the structures.
Each base side of the pyramids has roughly been calculated at 760’,
creating a fundamental frequency of about 1.5 Hz when
the pyramids are stimulated into high amplitude.
This baseline frequency of 1.5 Hz shown to synchronize the pulsation
of the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary gland into unified functioning.

This frequency is also the lowest frequency of Schumann Resonance,
thus the function of the pyramids may indeed
be to shift the fundamental frequency of the Earth down
from its fluctuations near 7.3 Hz to the try-thalamic frequency of 1.5 Hz.

More extraordinary still is the discovery that the rock-cut Dead-end Passage,
inside the structure’s enigmatic Subterranean Chamber
might well have functioned as a sound resonance tube,
generating infrasound with a base frequency in the range of 5 Hz.

It has long been known that infrasound affects the human brain in a number of different ways.
It can induce feelings of nausea, anxiety, paranoia, as well as a sense of dread.
In more sensitive individuals this can lead to a feeling of disconnection with the material world,
accompanied by a very real sense of otherworldliness

Although there seems little question that infrasound can induce a shifted state of consciousness,
there can be no obvious reason to assume that this is not a very real effect on the human brain,
one that can lead to genuine visionary experiences and psychic insights.
If correct, then were the pyramid builders of ancient Egypt aware not only
of some very expressive forms of sound technology,
but also of the impact of infrasound on human bodily systems?

Is this why the Dead-end Passage in the Subterranean Chamber
was deliberately designed to generate infrasound,
and why other of its chambers produced it on a slightly lower level?

The Universe as a total, and in communion with human beings,
is always going to try to find balance,
a quantum approach to the species evolution is based on the necessity
of the matching waves' frequencies,
moving from the Dark to the Light Era means moving from a lower
to a higher frequency leap in the cosmos.

The advanced acoustic technologies used in ancient Egypt
reflects such a broad knowledge of the human body,
quantum psychics and astrophysics that point us to the
the possibility that the cranial elongation observed of ancient Egyptian royalty
and their paranormal attributed abilities may be,
a direct result of fetal gestation and natal biorhythmic
entrainment at the Pyramids through frequencies and alteration of energy fields.

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