
Yoga as a harness of thought and intention

4:00:00 PM

Yoga means Union, to harness something in a direction
 towards something or to obtain something.
What could be obtained? What's the union we are talking about?
In what directions are we Guiding our experience?
After assisting  different yoga classes we might

hearing the name of Patanjali here and there, and his compilation of the Indian Sutras,
which ageless definition of yoga is:
"stilling the modifications of the mind "- in Sanskrit:"yogas Citta vrtti nirodha",
many yoga and Sanskrit teachers won't agree with this description of yoga,
while the practice and focus bring us to the present moment, to the now,
is by directing /harnessing our mind to a state of complete awareness
of our body and our senses, in order to be able to modify them
 by breathing into subtle adjustments,
that could occur from our joins to our organs to a specific thought we are holding back.

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